Dare to be the REAL YOU with Feng Shui Style

See your feng shui style

See your feng shui style

Are you confident and having fun, or fearful and  avoiding opportunities -your personal feng shui style says it all?

Feng Shui is about the energy / Qi  / vibrations you project to the whole world.

It is about the feng shui style ‘first impression’!

Contact me now for your specific Personal Feng Shui Style Energy Reading so you can be confident in knowing what style is best to promote your current self-image goals and what to avoid.

As an example, let’s start with the 5 Element Yin/Yang Energy Feng Shui Style of clothing and accessories you wear to attract the attention of a special person, a job promotion, or just to make you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Each person has their own unique wave length which is strongest when everything around them is in  sync with their core being -this is when your energy is at its fullest to excel in life’s endeavors. Briefly:

WOOD: Tailored, athletic, more covered up, casual

EARTH: Soft fabrics, little prints like Laura Ashley, show a little cleavage

METAL: Fine jewelry, well-made clothes, more on the over dressed side

FIRE: Hollywood wild, faux animal prints, Hawaiian skirts

WATER: Flowing, curvy, sexy

Clients are excited when they can shop with confidence knowing exactly what to look for to be in sync with their core energies. And, to know when to say ‘no thank you -it doesn’t support who I am’. Saving money by getting the right thing in the first place is also an added benefit.

Fear often can be a stumbling block to moving forward.

One of the biggest reasons is ‘fear of what other people will think of us.’ This keeps us locked in the mode of always being a follower.

Put the Fun into Fung Shui !

You can transform fear into courage by starting small and having the confidence to use feng shui styles in clothing, colors, accessories, materials, shapes, jewelry, etc. to say: I am healthy, courageous and empowered to embrace whatever opportunities come along.

This can have a ripple effect with you becoming more courageous in all areas of your life.

Have you been procrastinating, and now want to move on with the appropriate  feng shui styles that express your present goals?

Then contact me today for an in-depth analysis to help you ‘ see’ your feng shui style in daily endeavors like shopping for the perfect outfit, curtains, or even the best foods for you to eat according to your most favorable energy.

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