What do Green Design, Feng Shui, and Leo DiCaprio have in common? Simply put – Mother Nature.
It is about the ‘connection’ between our natural resources; air, soil, water, sun, etc. and the vital health of all living things. “As Leonardo DiCaprio said in his Oscar acceptance speech, “Let us not take this planet for granted. Global warming is real.”
Observe a plant!
- it wilts without adequate sunshine & airflow ( humans wilt working in cubes with recycled, stale, toxic air)
- it droops without clean water (illness -think Flint & many other American locations with lead & chemical runoff from plants into the water supply -think no/little water in many parts of the world where poor people will suffer the most because of Global Warming)
- it turns yellow without proper nutrients in the soils (non-organic soil has been depleted of its’ nutrients because of over aggressive farming techniques and use of chemicals & pesticides, which weaken our bodies’ immune systems in combating disease)
- it’s growth is stunted in tight containers with no room for roots to grow (urban spaces -constriction breeds anxiety and anger)
Observe Yourself!
notice the connection between your daily moods, level of vitality, and your achievements relative to
the space & natural resources surrounding you. Do they support or hinder you?
This is what feng shui is about ~
placing humans in optimum living/work spaces~ to connect with the healthy resources which enable you to thrive daily.
Before discussing ‘Green Design’, we need to understand the basic principles of balance in feng shui which are intuitive & psychological. Westerners think linear, but Eastern concepts are based on circular, cyclical observations of nature.
Our bodies, neighborhoods, and the world go through cyclical phases just like the natural passage of the seasons; winter to spring, dusk to dawn, and seeds to falling leaves.
But, these phases must flow naturally or we get ‘stuck’ creating our own self-inflicting dramas, which can influence our quality of life…like the devastating effects of global warming.
Two Feng Shui Balance Principles
- Tai Chi -Yin/Yang balance of invisible, metaphoric energy
We are all familiar with the Eastern Tai Chi symbol which represents complimentary
( need for both sectors of the circle to inter-act) Yin/Yang energies =
equilibrium & moderation,
not the Western concept of duality, which is expressed as either/or,
and often as extremes.
As an example, the brain has 2 sides
the left side (Yang) which is rational, factual, visible, everything can be measured, logical ~ ‘Green’- eco-logical
the right side (Yin) emphasizes intuition, feeling, invisible -just know it -6th sense.~ Feng Shui – psycho -logical
Western education & business stress the use of the rational side of the brain & Eastern philosophy values the intuitive, and more feeling way of experiencing.
We need to understand & integrate both perspectives for a healthy Whole-some lifestyle.
2. Five- Cyclical balance of invisible, metaphoric energies
The metaphorical energies of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water represent the natural cyclical progression.
These include; time -seasons going from spring to winter & then starting all over, a project -from beginning to end, the yin/yang balance – of the 5 food types, 5 personality archetypes, the 5 major organs, etc.
These all go through supportive and balancing stages.
‘Green Design’ -Key Component to Sustainability,
emphasizes protecting the natural environment to ensure that the next generations can also be placed in healthy environments. Think China -they are not following their own ancient feng shui teachings! Perhaps it is greed over health!
the Yin/Yang of Green Design & Feng Shui : need both
Feng Shui (natural) Green Design (controls)
balance with Yin/Yang & 5 elements balance consumption
feel the bad air (asthma) measure the air quality
de-clutter to eliminate depressing energy design smaller houses
place windows & skylights to capture sun’s power energy efficient appliances
emphasizes plants /trees to purify air air filters for pollution
natural materials to connect with nature reuse natural materials
open windows & clean air flow tight spaces to reduce electricity
Join Leonardo DiCaprio and other environmental activists
to ensure better health starting NOW for our children & grandchildren around the world.
How can we all do our part to help?
Before buying…ASK
do I need it?
is it in moderation?
does it add to global warming?
I can help you de-clutter, re-purpose, re-energize, and
re-think your
home/work space & shopping habits.