Qi Gong – the physical practice of opening one’s body and mind to the subtle shiftings of Qi (life energy) is what we know as the inner teachings of Feng Shui. How do we define the function of Feng Shui? In the Chinese language, Feng literally “wind”, means Qi, the currents of life energy […]
Mining for Your Positive Energy

“Energy” is the source of all life. How is your energy working for you right now? We must continually mine the areas of our life to determine our most vulnerable energy drains. Once we accept our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ‘energetic’ blockages, we can then open up a to new paradigm for healing. […]
What are your feng shui Green memories?
The best way to create fond feng shui Green memories are through smell. Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies, I hold you here, root and all, in my hand, Little flower-but if I could understand What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know […]
Be Aware, Conserve, and Simplify
These women must be very aware of how to conserve their precious water as they go out to fetch it every day. With global warming, for these and many others, water will not be available to fill their jugs in the future. For many Americans, living more sustainably has become a natural part of their […]
Green purchases may not be so green! The labels “All Natural”, “Eco-friendly”, “Green” and “Sustainable” unfortunately are often just marketing ploys. To sell more products, companies often link their goods with consumers’ desires ~ thus causing us to be mislead. QUESTIONS TO ASK TO DETERMINE IF A PRODUCT WE PUT INTO OUR BODY IS A […]
Sustainability and Feng Shui ~ Earth Day Connection
Sustainability was first promoted on Earth Day, April 22,1970. And, 2,500 years ago, Feng Shui also taught people to respect nature while using only what was needed. In the beginning Earth Day, coming up soon, was a national event. Then, it went global with 192 countries now raising the need for ‘sustainability awareness’. We are […]
Just Do Something Mindfully, and Change Happens
Change happens when we are open to learning about ourselves, and are willing to move forward by experimenting mindfully. The Chinese symbol for crisis is comprised of two characters: one indicating “danger,” the other, “opportunity.” A Feng Shui design problem is not something to be overcome, but an “opportunity” to be engaged. The best […]
Awareness is the First Step to Stop Clutter
Such awareness is like living with a snake in the room. You watch its every movement. You are very, very sensitive to the slightest sound it makes. Such a state of attention is total energy; in such awareness the totality of yourself is revealed in an instant. Krishnamurti Recently, UCLA conducted a scientifically documented study […]