Does Your Home Environment Create Serenity?

#2 in the series – Cultivating Emotional Balance in the HOME


Be Aware of Emotional Patterns

CALM, describes the state of mind that we are all striving for today in the midst of chaos and burnout caused by stress. But how do we achieve this calm and serenity that we are looking for? What are the antidotes to stress?

EMOTIONS, are the main driving force in life. What happens when one person in the household is angry or sad or full of anxiety? How does this behavior impact the relationships with others in the same environment, the communication, the way one eats, or whether one has a good day, or not? Feelings are important to overall wellness and satisfaction in life.

CHANGE, can affect how we feel about something in life, but most of us incorrectly think that just changing the external objects around us will do the trick.

Why do we buy a place to live in? So that we can FEEL  a sense of importance, or a sense of accomplishment?

Why do we buy expensive clothes or fancy cars that we cannot afford? To FEEL power, a sense of living the glamorous life, or maybe to feel more attractive to others?

It is the ENERGY of the EMOTION that FEELS good, not the object.

The object (the person, place, or thing) is the specific trigger!

We think that the only way to get the FEELING we want is through possessing the object…instead of considering other options.

There is nothing wrong with having some external pleasures,

but we must remember to BALANCE this with internal feelings

that evoke sustainable  joy, hope, and being at ease.

FENG SHUI, mirrors what we are feeling within us -in our thoughts and body. Think about the picture on the wall from Aunt Susie that you hate. How does it make you feel in your body? Perhaps it needs to be donated to someone else who loves it, or place it some where in the house that you won’t see it very often to avoid triggering any destructive emotional reactions.

How do you feel in the red room? Agitated, rage, or calm? Think about why you painted the room that color in the first place – were you in an irritated state of mind?

Clutter signifies resistance – staying stuck. Order, however, evokes hope, joy, and empowerment. Which situation makes you feel better?

Do you associate feeling constricted or depressed in a tight, gloomy room? Would a light filled expansive room provide an emotional uplift?

Why did you buy another pair of shoes when the closet is crammed full of perfectly good shoes? Because the emotion comes first, and then the rational thought follows.

ATTENTION to feelings is what brings about the change that we need, not just blindly practicing the same self-destructive habits day in and day out with the same results which lead to suffering.

Change the feelings first, then the mind will change. Think about how different the outcome will be if you make a decision when feeling joy, versus being in a fearful or angry mood.

SOLUTIONS to consider in the gradual process to rewire the brain for constructive change:

  • Develop a daily mindfulness meditation practice to help slow down, be more aware of  emotional patterns, and how they impact every aspect of  life
  • Create a special place to sit in silence for reflection on key values and aspirations to experience sustainable wellness
  • Commit to a 100 day Gong (practice) to ensure adequate repetition occurs to replace an old destructive habit with a new constructive one

During a consultation, Nadine will help you create supportive spaces

that align with your values and aspirations.

And, she will coach you on appropriate meditations and other lifestyle changes to bring more contentment and satisfaction to your life.


‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’   Lao Tzu

Call Nadine at 510-525-1116 to start your journey.




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