How Feng Shui Can Enhance Sleep

Natural Rythmns of Sunlight vs Lightbulbs

Natural Rythmns of Sunlight vs Lightbulbs

Feng Shui can enhance sleep by paying attention to the natural cycles of Nature – primarily the natural lighting from the sun.

Do you ever wonder why people are so grumpy these days, anxious about everything, and so easily angered?

Being in the midst of  a sleep deprivation epidemic  is one big root of the problem.

1. We are being exposed to the natural sunlight much less than what our bodies need during the day for alertness.

2. We are being over-exposed to artificial lighting between sunset and the time we go to bed, so everything is too bright for the neurons and hormones to produce sleep.

Therefore, our bodies’ natural internal clock is losing 3-4 hours by going to sleep late and getting up early. This creates an immediate problem for emotional equanimity and for focus at work, school, and home.

Current studies also indicate that the lack of sleep early in life may lead to alzheimer disease later in life.

In an attempt to offset the detrimental effects of artificial light created by digital devices and overhead lighting that replaces natural sunlight, many research centers are developing new light bulbs to help regulate sleep, alertness, and even our emotional moods.

The Lighting Science Group,, offers a wide variety of LED lighting products that are both energy efficient and improve biological functions like sleep and alertness.

Their bulb, called Sleepy Baby, has been a life saver according to many desperate parents. It worked so well that one parent kept checking on their child to make sure she was still breathing. Great gift idea.


How the new bulbs imitate the ‘natural sunlight’

  1. They are designed to regulate the body’s basic need to reset and wake up by stimulating receptors in the eyes that signal to the brain when it is time for bed, or when to start the activities for the day.
  2. When exposed to the shortwave length light (the blue end of the spectrum -the receptors suppress the release of the sleep inducing hormone melatonin.) This is found in white artificial lighting and the digital device screens.
  3. Using longer wave length (yellow light) interferes less with the neurons & hormones that produce sleep

Natural Sunlight vs. Cost of Bulbs for Health

  • Ideally,  the feng shui solution is;  be in the ‘natural sun’ more during the day, study and work in rooms with natural sunlight, and shut down the digital devices at dinner time – to replenish and rejuvenate your energy for the next day -to be your best self!
  • If this doesn’t work, perhaps the bulbs are the next best solution. Are you getting 7 1/2 – 8 hours sleep? If not, what is the effect? Is health a priority for you and worth the cost of the bulbs ?
  • Or, maybe something else in the environment is the root cause for the lack of sleep. A feng shui analysis can help.


Contact Nadine for a consultation now to get answers to your sleep problem or attend my next class – to be your best self!



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