Learn about Healing a Hospital Room

Healing is not just about curing an illness or fixing a limb after an accident. Healing is about being aware of and accepting your feelings and living in peace with whatever the condition may be – short-term, or long-term, even after being fixed.

The ancients understood that to restore harmony and promote healing, Nature, with all her sensual natural stimulants, was the real prescription..

Natural Plants are Healing

Natural Plants are Healing

Feng Shui, is about transforming the ‘quality’ of the Qi to provide more peace, comfort, security, and a feeling of being surrounded with an atmosphere of well-being, which we feel when we are in Nature.

The key is to shift the focus from the patient’s discomfort, to a place of relaxation with a pleasant sensual experience – in the hospital or at home.

The first hospitals were by the ocean where patients could soak up the negative ions in the air and be at peace with the rhythm of the waves.

Compare this to our 21st century sterile hospitals, or the over crowded assisted living care facilities surrounded by noise pollution and ghastly smells.

9 Healing Feng Shui ideas to transform Hospital &/or Home Spaces to create healing

  1. Room with view of Nature or a beautiful landscape painting
  2. Gift Certificates for Massage to move the stuck Qi or Pedicure/Manicure to feel more relaxed
  3. Quality Essential Oils – a dab of lavender on the pillow case or on a cotton ball for sweet dreams
  4. Healthy, lush  green plant to clean the air -cut flowers are very nice, but die quickly
  5. Soft shawl or quilt in patients’ favorite color to ward off a chill &/or use as a colorful blanket
  6. Ear plugs/ eye masks to reduce unwanted noise/eye stimulation
  7. Favorite music/guided meditation CDs/audio books/ DVDs on i-phone, i-pad or whatever device
  8. Healthy whole food snacks – nuts and dried fruits for patient and for patient to share with others
  9. Entertaining books, playing cards, games, photograph albums, etc to inspire past memories of Fun

Qigong, the sister to feng shui, provides healing movement of Qi in the body – just as feng shui provides movement of the Qi in the space.

Simple moves can be done while in bed, in a chair, or simply standing to keep the joints lubricated and help to unblock stuck Qi which manifests as pain. Go to U-tube for easy movements.

Please share with us any tips you have to improve the feng shui for a patient in the hospital or nursing home.

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