Sustainability and Feng Shui ~ Earth Day Connection

Ride a bicycle & conserve resources

Ride a bicycle & conserve resources

Sustainability was first promoted on Earth Day, April 22,1970. And, 2,500 years ago, Feng Shui also taught people to respect nature while using only what was needed.

In the beginning Earth Day, coming up soon, was a national event. Then, it went global with 192 countries now raising the need for ‘sustainability awareness’.

We are all responsible for doing our part to save the planet’s resources


Feng Shui & Sustainability Goals are to:

 safeguard the natural environment by promoting

responsible human practices & sustainable environments


Feng Shui places inspired by functionality, efficiency, sustainability, comfort


Modern designs focused on looks and image


as we become a more  urbanized civilization

  1. Select homes/apartments with lots of windows oriented to the sunlight during the day for direct light & warmth -use blinds in summer to keep out the heat & avoid air-conditioning
  2. Insert skylights or tubes for more of that precious natural sunlight
  3. Use long lasting LED light bulbs and replace inefficient energy guzzling appliances
  4. .Consider tall triple-paned windows, argon filled, and heat mirrored  for less artificial light, improved sound-proofing, and more natural warmth
  5. Choose living close to reliable public transportation– fewer cars and less stress
  6. Be natural; walk, ride a bicycle, climb the stairs instead of taking an elevator -can be fun, eliminate the cost of a gym membership, and even lose a few pounds naturally
  7. Share tools and infrequently used items -less consumption & less waste of resources
  8. Building new- build to last. Smaller, not bigger. Europe does. 250 years is not an unrealistic expectation
  9. Buying new appliances, bedding, furniture –buy to last. Quality provides pleasure much longer than the cheap throw products now made so manufacturers can make more profit
  10. Buy non-toxic materials & products to protect our health and not poison the planet for now, and future generations

Healthy Feng Shui designs help to nurture humans to achieve their full potential,

by providing increased comfort, health, and productivity,

while also inspiring habits to promote sustainability.

Want to increase your contributions at home or work to reduce global warming?

Contact Nadine now to learn how.


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