Qi Gong – the physical practice of opening one’s body and mind to the subtle shiftings of Qi (life energy) is what we know as the inner teachings of Feng Shui. How do we define the function of Feng Shui? In the Chinese language, Feng literally “wind”, means Qi, the currents of life energy […]
Mining for Your Positive Energy

“Energy” is the source of all life. How is your energy working for you right now? We must continually mine the areas of our life to determine our most vulnerable energy drains. Once we accept our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ‘energetic’ blockages, we can then open up a to new paradigm for healing. […]
Board Games Conviviality Starts At Home
Old-fashioned board games that families play at home are the new in-thing to do in big city cafes. Whatever the age, the participants at the Snakes & Ladders Annex don’t mind acting like kids again. The focus is on playing strategic games like Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan or plain old Trivia. It’s about having fun […]
3 Steps to Alleviate Depleted Energy Illnesses
#1. Education about the body ~ is the first step to alleviate depleated energy drain illnesses. Unfortunately, so many people have to suffer or die before we figure out the impact modern day capitalism has on our bodies. One of my clients couldn’t walk, sit or be touched without feeling excruciating pain. The doctors […]
Feng Shui Refrigerator Provides Nourishment in 2016
Say ‘yes’ in 2016 to paying attention to the energy nourishment of what goes into your home, into your refrigerator, and then into your body. Say ‘no’ to any new yo yo diets, which will probably last only 30 days. Clients sometimes think that good feng shui in the kitchen is about fancy granite counter […]
Kindness Starts At Home
This quiet time between the holidays is a good time to reflect on how ~ whatever we do @ Home can make a difference! Do not take lightly small good deeds, Believing they can hardly help. For drops of water, one by one, In time can fill a giant pot. Patrul Rinpoche What will you […]
Why Balance in Eating Matters
Balance of energy in the home, in how we eat, and in our lifestyle ~ matters. When we get to the kitchen section of a Feng Shui consultation, I always like to discuss how the basic principles of Yin & Yang and the 5 Elements apply to how we eat as well as to the […]
Natural Lighting Reigns
Correct lighting is one of the most important feng shui remedies because it has such a major impact on your feelings of happiness, work efficiency, focus on studying, and overall health -starting with your eyes and fatigue. Are you blessed with natural lighting in your spaces? How does it affect you? Was this a […]