Say ‘yes’ in 2016 to paying attention to the energy nourishment of what goes into your home, into your refrigerator, and then into your body. Say ‘no’ to any new yo yo diets, which will probably last only 30 days. Clients sometimes think that good feng shui in the kitchen is about fancy granite counter […]
feng shui
The Energy of Empty Streets in Paris
How would we ‘feel’ if the energy of San Francisco streets was quiet for one day? The August 19, 2015 Forbes magazine reports that Paris will do just this – the streets of Paris will be closed to ‘le car’ on September 27, 2015. Can you imagine what this will do for pedestrians’ immune […]
Are Healthy Spaces Essential?
The topic of healthy spaces usually takes a back seat to selling ‘ the latest look’ in decor magazines. Yes, we all want our spaces to reflect beauty, but the foundation to success at work, relationships, and fulfilling our potential is ‘good health’. Perhaps more attention could be focused on surrounding ourselves with ‘natural beauty’ […]
Manage Your Energy 4 Less Stress

Alice,a single mom, with a full-time professional job and caring for a terminally – ill parent recalls how she thought she was coping – but she wasn’t! Her energy was totally depleted and needed a feng shui boost for less stress. The first time she collapsed was on her day off. After collapsing a second […]
8 Tips for Healing Feng Shui Spaces
Mykonos, Greece, a humble island off the Aegean Sea, is a perfect reminder of how we can have healing feng shui spaces when we are surrounded by nature. In Asia, feng shui savy buyers, looking for new residential or business spaces, will not bother to look at the interior of the space unless the outside […]
Mindful feng shui spaces for a shift
Wisdom 2.0, held in San Francisco – February 2015, was abuzz with the benefits of Mindfulness Meditation, which is used in the ancient practice of creating mindful feng shui spaces to bring about a shift in life circumstances. Participants from around the world and from a wide variety of vocations shared the common goal: to […]