Spring ~ suggests 3 New Beginnings marking the onset of Chinese New Year. Ask ~ what happens in nature when Spring arrives? How do we metaphorically experience this shift to a new season ? First, there is thunder, and lightening to suggest that we ‘wake up’ from the deep slumber of Winter. Then, there is […]
Celebrate the Feng Shui of Autumn
Autumn in Feng Shui is a transition time when we shift from the peak of Yang activity in the summer to the beginning of a Yin period, a time when nature starts to contract inwards. In my classes, I teach that feng shui is a cyclical, energy practice. If we follow the natural way of […]
How Your State of Mind Affects Your Career
Ability to manage your state of mind can determine how successful you are in your career, relationships, and potential for creating abundance. Suzie didn’t make the kids lunches the night before or get their clothes ready, so she is rushing and ends up taking the bumpy side road because the traffic is heavy on the […]
Manage Your Energy 4 Less Stress

Alice,a single mom, with a full-time professional job and caring for a terminally – ill parent recalls how she thought she was coping – but she wasn’t! Her energy was totally depleted and needed a feng shui boost for less stress. The first time she collapsed was on her day off. After collapsing a second […]