When Did Abundance Of Time Get Lost In Your Life?



Time in the 21st century is one of our most precious resources to realize the abundance of a life well spent. Let’s make the most of it.

How are you?

How many times have you said, “Oh, I am so busy – there just isn’t enough time in the day.” You are not alone.

Time is $$$, so big companies continually analyze employee behaviors, and what can be changed, or even better – eliminated – to improve efficiency, quality of the product, and a more pleasant work experience.

Many very busy CEOs, including Bill Gates, have benefited from time tracking to ensure they focused their time and energy on the mission of the company.

So, why not monitor busy moms and the rest of us to ensure we spend our time on what is really important?

The process starts by gathering factual data on a spread sheet or APP over a set period of time in half hour increments.

Remember, garbage in: garbage out. So be honest and don’t fudge!

Neuroscientists have helped us to understand that the brain remembers negative experiences more readily than positive ones. And we all have the tendency to exaggerate a little when we are tired – not me, you say? The brain made you do it!

Thus, it is the one disaster that took so much of our time that we tend to remember.

The smaller slices of casual time spent eating out with friends, time chatting on the phone, or binging on TV and digital devices go uncounted for.

Irregular work and school schedules make it more difficult to maintain the natural rhythms of time that we were born into. Late nights at work, or the meaningless meetings that go on forever, can leave us feeling guilty because it is more difficult to structure time for what is really important.

And, of course, the other piece of that process is determining your priorities  when in search of what gives your life meaning. Once this is determined, time can be synchronized with these priorities for a quality life filled with abundance- just like a thriving company continually adjusts time spent to adapt to continually changing priorities to meet their mission.

 We all have the power to create more abundance in our lives, when we honestly evaluate how we “consciously choose” to spend the great resource of “time” to meet our personal mission.

Are you squandering too much time on the wrong things,

or do you actually use time wisely?

Ask the time tracker & contact me.


Create a HOME that Frees Up your Time for What Really Matters

Weekly Tip: Get into the ‘rhythm of sleep’ for a healthier body and mind. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Parts of the day we cannot control, but we can control our sleep patterns.

 Be honest with yourself. Turn off the computer and your phone.

Get the sleep you require

to be the best parent, partner, boss, friend or colleague.


Sign up for my weekly blog & a rewarding HOME  Consultation.

My strengths are time management, organization, and space arrangements

that are beautiful, efficient, and oriented to support you.





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