Life today is a blur and the #1 strategy to change this can be through Feng Shui Awareness.
Our contribution
to the progress of the world must, therefore,
consist in setting our own house in order.
Mahatma Ghandi
How can we get our house in order if we keep galloping along at breakneck speed searching for whatever it is that we think we are missing?
Let’s use the GPS as a metaphor. We are driving down the freeway, exceeding the speed limit, and suddenly realize that we missed the necessary turnoff due to a lack of awareness.
Then comes the blame! Oh, the stupid GPS didn’t speak up fast enough before the turn.
How about the need for us to recognize that… we are on auto-pilot most of the time, and that it was our own fault that we missed the exit because… we were going too fast!
How many missed exits, opportunities in life, have you passed up because you were not aware that you were exceeding life’s speed limits? Be honest.
I can help enhance your confidence with tools to scan situations and strategize solutions. In Feng Shui, with true awareness and receptivity, you can learn to intuit lots of clues. Here are a couple:
- Is the space and your mood dark & uninspiring, or full of vital energy where your ideas are sparks of brilliance?
- Is the space and your decisions constrictive or expansive? In other words, are decisions like the space, very narrow in perspective or they are brimming with a wide accumulation of input?
- Are the other people friendly, or are they out to get you? Or, is it you that needs a shift?
An Awareness Time Out™ may be just what is needed to: look at the entire road map and see the big picture of where you are going, determine the different directions to get there, and re-evaluate the best choice to reach your realistic destination.
3 Big Questions as you notice the Feng Shui along the route
- Are there bumps and/or obstacles & can you be innovative to overcome them?
- Does a scan of the environment suggest that it supports your individual personal goals?
- Feel your body. Is it tight and riddled with anxiety, or is it relaxed with courage and excitement?
Natural Remedies like Feng Shui, Qigong, and Positive Strategies are a first line of defense. The answers are in the simplicity of awareness and space …
Contact Nadine now for a consultation or join a class to learn more about
‘how to radiate’ the good influence of nature.